Monday, August 27, 2012

UPDATE Aug 2012 - I have just removed all images that were not displaying correctly in this blog.

I have left the text in place as reference in most cases where it seems to still be useful.

Dead links can occur if the image location on the internet is changed or if the image is removed.

The links to images I had stored on my Apple "Mobileme" account stopped working  when Apple closed down that service. 

This can be taken as a warning about relying on "Cloud" services. 
You don't own or control them and they can be shut down, even if they are a paid service. 

Of coures this is just like the real world, ever gone to your favourite shop and found it GONE!    

Photography Tutorials | Photography How To – eBooks, Tutorials, Tips, Blog

Photography Tutorials | Photography How To – eBooks, Tutorials, Tips, Blog
A series of interesting tutorials by an accomplished photographer.
The site also offers e-books, I have not reviewed these.